Before registering for these programs, you’ll want to make sure your site content is acceptable and consumable by the general public. The easiest way to find out if your site is ready is when you begin to get regular website visits from hundreds or thousands of users per month. If you accomplish that first step of producing great content that users want to read, then you may be ready to add advertisements to your websites and start earning some money. One of the easiest and fastest ways to make some money is by joining the Google AdSense program.AdSense is a program that allows anyone with valuable website content to display advertisements on their website pages for money… This is a great program and new website owners who want to make money quickly should consider it first. Follow the steps below to get your new website to the Google AdSense site list:

Apply for AdSense

If your website has gained some popularity and receiving a fair amount of users and you want to use it to earn some money from Google AdSense, you can apply to join the AdSense program… If you don’t already have a website, then you may want to read some of our tutorials here on how to install and use WordPress… After you’ve been approved by Google to join the program, your next steps will be to log on to your account and copy the AdSense codes to paste on your web pages… Doing this will allow Google Ads to display on your pages…

Add New Site to AdSense Site List

Now that you have been approved, to make your site available for site-related actions, such as showing ads on a new site or setting up site-level blocking rules, you first need to add the site to your site’s list. When you add a new site, Google runs some checks to make sure it’s ready to show ads. We verify you’re the site owner and that your site complies with the AdSense Program policies. To add a new site:

Sign in to your AdSense account. Click Sites. Click Add site. Enter the URL of your site.

Connect your site to AdSense Copy and paste the highlighted code into the HTML of your page, between the and tags. Save your changes and wait. After a few hours, sometimes days (depending on your site), Google will detect your code on a new site that’s not yet on your site’s list, you’ll then be asked to confirm it’s yours. If the site belongs to you, you can add it to your site’s list by following these steps:

Sign in to your AdSense account. Click Sites. Click Yes to confirm the site is yours and add it to your site’s list.

If everything is successful, you’ll then be allowed to display AdSense advertising on your website. To learn how to add Google AdSense code to your site, especially a WordPress site, read the post below: That’s it! You have learned how to add a new website to the Google AdSense list for approval. You may also like the post below: