For instance, Ubuntu 18.04 doesn’t include PHP 7.1 packages by default. So, if you upgrade and attempt to run an application that doesn’t fully support PHP 7.2, you may run into issues. The good thing about this is you can install PHP 7.1 along with PHP 7.2 and have multiple applications with different PHP needs. If you can’t get PHP 7.1 packages on Ubuntu by default, you’ll want to add this third-party repository to your system. the repository contains multiple versions of PHP packages. After adding the repository, you can now go and install PHP 7.1 and related modules. The main configuration file for PHP 7.1 with Apache2 support can be found at In the file above is where you configure PHP-related settings with Apache2 support. Some cool settings are: After making those changes save the file and exit. Now, if you don’t want to run PHP 7.2, run the commands below to disable it for Apache2. Then run the commands below to enable PHP 7.1 for Apache2 to use. Restart Apache2 for the changes to apply by running the commands below. That’ ‘s it! Now PHP 7.1 should be the default PHP processor.