First introduced in Windows 7, Title bar window shake allows users to grab a window’s title bar and shake it to minimize all other windows in the background. If you haven’t used Title bar window shake before, it is easy to use. All you do is grab the app’s window you want to keep open by selecting its title bar by holding down the left mouse button. While holding the app’s windows, shake the mouse, and all other windows will minimize in the background. Hold down the same window and shake again to restore all the minimized windows in the background.

Turn on or off Title bar share (Aero shake) in Windows 11

As mentioned above, you can quickly minimize all other app windows simply by holding the window you want to keep open and shaking your mouse to close all other windows. Shake again to restore windows that were minimized. Here’s how to enable or disable it in Windows 11. First, open the Windows Settings app. You can get to the Settings app by clicking on the Start menu button and selecting Settings. You can also press the keyboard shortcut (Windows key + I) to launch the Settings app. When the Settings app opens, click the System button on the left. On the right, click the Multitasking tile to expand. On the System -> Multitasking settings pane, toggle the button on the “Title bar window shake” tile to the on position to enable. To disable, toggle the button back to the Off position to disable. That’s it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to enable or disable the Title bar windows shake in Windows 11. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.