However, when you want to get larger files and other data to the virtual machines, you can’t simply copy and paste them into the virtual machines. VirtualBox comes with a shared folder feature that allows users to share folders on the host with virtual machines easily, and the steps below will show you how to do that. The shared folder feature can also be used to mount ISO files and other portable storage devices that don’t work directly with the guest machines. Below is how to share a folder on the VirtualBox host machine with guest machines in Windows 11. First, learn how to install VirtualBox on Windows 11: How to install VirtualBox on Windows 11

How to map a folder in VirtualBox VM on Windows 11

As mentioned above, VirtualBox allows users to share folders on the host with virtual machines easily using its shared folder feature. Below is how to do that. For this to work, you must have VirtualBox guest tools installed on the virtual machine. Here is a post that shows you how to install VirtualBox on Windows 11. Open VirtualBox. Select the Windows 11 virtual machine and click Settings or right-click on the machine and select Settings. On the Settings window, click Shared Folders. On the Shared Folders window, click the Add new folder button (green plus). In the Folder Path, specify the path for the local folder you want to share with the virtual machine. Alternatively, you can click the down-arrow arrow and select Other to browse and select the folder you want to share. In the Folder Name field, type in or accept the default folder name chosen. The Read-only box is optional. The read-only option prevents saving files into the folder from the virtual machine. Auto-mount box is optional. When you check it, every time the virtual machine boots up, it will automatically mount the folder. In the Mount point field, specify the drive letter to map the folder as a drive on the virtual machine. For this tutorial, we select G: Click OK, to complete the setup and boot the machine. After you boot the virtual machine and log in, you should see a mapped folder with the G: drive letter in Windows virtual machine. If you have turned on Network discovery and Public folder sharing, you will also be able to see the mapped folder in the network folder under \VBOXSRV
Whatever you have in the shared folder on the host machine will be accessible from the guest machines. That should do it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to map a VirtualBox host machine folder inside a guest machine running Windows 11. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.