The Task Manager comes with different tabs which provide different functions and usage. In Windows 11, the Task Manager comes with these tabs: Processes, Performance, App History, Startup, Users, Details, and Services. Below will provide little details on each tab and what it can be used for, and how users might want to use it to view their system performance and see what’s running in Windows to diagnose and resolve problems. To get started with using the Task Manager in Windows 11, follow the steps below.

How to open the Task Manager in Windows 11

As mentioned above, the Task Manager is a very useful tool for determining Windows’ performance and understanding tasks and processes and they’re impacting your system performance. There are multiple ways one can use to open the Task Manager. These are the many ways to open the Task Manager in Windows 11:

Press CTRL + SHIFT + Esc Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE > then select Task Manager from options provided Press CTRL + X > to open Power User Tasks menu, then select Task Manager Click Start menu, then search for and select Task Manager app under Best math.

Task Manager can also be opened from the command prompt in Windows. However, whatever method is used to open the Task Manager, below is a visual example of what Task Manager looks like in Windows 11.

Description of Task Manager tabs in Windows 11

When Task Manager opens, you’ll see multiple tabs. Below are some descriptions of each tab and how one can use it to diagnose and resolve issues.

Processes: the Processes tab is the first tab visible when Task Manager opens. It shows all Windows processes currently running on the computer. In previous versions of Windows, the Processes tab was named Application. They’re both combined in Windows 11. Performance: the Performance tab displays the computer’s available system resources, including how much CPU, Memory, Disk, Ethernet and/or Wi-Fi being used. Windows also shows the chart of usage for each resource as they’re being used. App history: the App history tab shows the overall history of each of the Windows store app that have run on the computer. Startup: the Startup tab shows each program that starts with Windows and its impact on the system’s load. This tab is mostly used to enable or disable apps from starting up with Windows. Users: the User tab shows all the users logged in to the computer. One can use this tab to disconnect or log other users off the system. Details: the Details tab shows full details of each of the processes running on the computer. Services: the Services tab shows shows all the Windows Services currently running on the computer. This tab can be used to stop or end services running on the computer.

Above are some details of the Task Manager tabs in Windows 11. The Task Manager should be easily accessible to users on the computer. It’s a useful tool to find and resolve issues in Windows 11. Conclusion: This post showed you how to open and use the Task Manager in Windows 11. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.