You cannot upgrade Drupal from its portal. So, you’ll have to manually update or upgrade to the latest version either from the command line console or via some hosting platform. All previous versions of Drupal CMS are vulnerable. You can find out more about this vulnerability by going to this page To resolve this remote code security vulnerability, you can either apply a patch or upgrade to the latest version of Drupal. Upgrading Drupal is the easiest method available, and this post is going to show students and new users how to easily upgrade Drupal CMS. To upgrade Drupal, continue with the steps below:

Backup and Put the Site in Maintenance Mode

Before upgrading your site, back up your content and database. and put your site in maintenance mode. You can do that by going to the: Log on to the admin interface and go to Administration > Configuration > Development > Maintenance mode. Then put the site in maintenance mode and click Save. You should always use maintenance mode when making major updates, particularly if the updates could disrupt visitors or the update process.

Delete Drupal Core Files

Now that your site is in maintenance mode, go and delete Drupal core directories by running the commands below. Change into your Drupal root directory. normally in /var/www/html/drupal or to where you installed it. Then run the commands below to delete the core and vendor folders or directories. and remove all the files in the root directory.

Restore Drupal Core Files with the Latest

Now that you’ve deleted the core vendor folders as well as the file in the root directory, go and download Drupal’s latest content. copy restore the files and folders you delete. Next, copy the extracted files, particularly the core and vendor directories and files in the root of the downloaded folders. the reverse of what you did to delete the content above. This should restore the files and folders with the latest versions. You may have to change the directory file permissions again. run the commands below

Update the Core Database Tables

Finally, open your browser and browse to the site URL followed by update.php. ex. This will update the core database tables. You should now be able to log on and go to your Drupal admin, navigate to Administration > Reports > Status report. Verify that everything is working as expected. You should see that the site is updated. You can now go and take the site from maintenance mode. Enjoy!