By default, when you search Bing, all information necessary related to the keyword is displayed and made available. There are no filters. Content that is not appropriate for kids is also displayed. With the new Microsoft Edge, you can now filter content and restrict Bing search results to only display safe content. This will ensure that queries in Bing web searches are done with SafeSearch set to the value specified. Users can’t change this setting. Bing SafeSearch is a kids-friendly Search Engine run by Bing. It filters adult content and only presents content that is kid friendly. When using Windows 10, you can turn this feature on for all accounts on the system so whoever logs in will be forced to use Bing’s kid-friendly search engine. To enable Bing SafeSearch in Edge, follow the steps below:

Turn on SafeSearch via Windows Registry

Using the Windows registry is one way to force all users on the system to use SafeSearch. There are multiple ways to do this in Windows, however, using the Windows registry is the easiest and most effective way to do it. To enable, press the Windows Key + R on your keyboard to open the run command box. Or use the search function to search for the Run app. In the command box, type the commands below and press Enter. Then the registry opens, navigate to the path below. The right-click on Microsoft folder and select New ==> Key. Name the key Edge. After that, right-click on the Edge key you just created, and select the New > DWORD (32-bit) Value option to create a REG_DWORD value. Name the new DWORD value as: After saving the DWORD above, double-click it to open. Then enter the value of 1 to enable. Policy options:

  • BingSafeSearchNoRestrictionsMode (0) = Don’t configure search restrictions in Bing * BingSafeSearchModerateMode (1) = Configure moderate search restrictions in Bing * BingSafeSearchStrictMode (2) = Configure strict search restrictions in Bing

Or you can simply delete the Edge key to undo the changes we did above. If you configure this policy to ‘BingSafeSearchNoRestrictionsMode‘, SafeSearch in Bing search falls back to the value. If you configure this policy to ‘BingSafeSearchModerateMode‘, the moderate setting is used in SafeSearch. The moderate setting filters adult videos and images but not text from search results. If you configure this policy to ‘BingSafeSearchStrictMode‘, the strict setting in SafeSearch is used. The strict setting filters adult text, images, and videos. If you disable this policy or don’t configure it, SafeSearch in Bing search isn’t enforced, and users can set the value they want on That’s it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to force Bing SafeSearch on Microsoft Edge. If you find any error above, please use the comment form below to report.