Percona MySQL server is a drop-in replacement for MySQL server. So, you can replace MySQL Server on your system, and applications that depend on MySQL won’t know the difference. If you want enterprise features with MySQL, then you may want to try Percona for MySQL. For more about Percona for MySQL, please check its homepage. This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to install Percona for MySQL server on Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04To get Percona for MySQL installed, follow the steps below:

Add Percona MySQL Repository

To get the latest version of Percona for MySQL, you will want to add its repository to Ubuntu. To do that, run the commands below: After that, run the commands below to install the repository file When you run the commands above, it will create a repository file in the default Ubuntu package repository folder. You should get a message below when done:

Install Percona for MySQL

Now that the Percona repository is installed, you can now install the server. to do that run the commands below: The commands above enable the Percona repository, refresh the package archive and install Percona for the MySQL server. During the installation, you’ll be prompted to create a root password. If you run legacy applications like phpMyAdmin and others, you’ll want to use the legacy authentication options as highlighted below: Just like MySQL, you can run the commands below to secure MySQL installation. Then use the guide below to answer the prompts: That’s it! Now you can log in to Percona for MySQL using the same command as below: Enjoy! You may also like the post below: